Region: Global

2022 Breastfeeding Inspiration Guide

August 1 marks the beginning of National Breastfeeding Month and World Breastfeeding Week, celebrating the benefits of breastfeeding for families in the United States and around the world. All month long, 1,000 Days, an Initiative of FHI Solutions, and its fellow advocates will highlight breastfeeding in different communities and how we can build a landscape of breastfeeding support. Join us!

Nutrition for Growth Communication Toolkit

To celebrate the leadership of the Government of Japan as hosts of the Tokyo 2021 Nutrition for Growth (N4G) Summit, stakeholders across governments, donors, civil society, the UN, and business are joining together with a united voice to raise awareness on the urgency for recommitments on nutrition at N4G. The following toolkit arms those working to mobilize and/or make commitments at the 2021 Summit with social media assets, copy, and key messages on why we all must step up and make bold commitments at the 2021 N4G Summit December 7-8 to end malnutrition in all its forms.

The Power 4: Vitamin A Supplementation for Kids

Supplying a child with two high doses of Vitamin A every year is one of the most cost-effective ways to protect children from blindness, diarrhea, and other fatal illnesses. Learn more about Vitamin A supplementation for kids, a Power 4 nutrition intervention.

The Power 4: Specialized Foods for Wasting Treatment

Millions of children every year require wasting treatment. Ready-to-Use Therapeutic Food (RUTF) is an energy-dense, life-saving product that gives wasted children the nutrients they need to survive. Learn more about specialized foods for wasting treatment, a Power 4 nutrition intervention.

The Power 4: Prenatal Vitamins for Pregnant Women

Despite the proven benefits of supplying pregnant women with a full dosage of multiple-micronutrient supplements (MMS), the majority of women do not have access to these critical supplements. MMS not only prevents maternal death and still births, it also increases the chances a baby will be born at a healthy weight and survive to his or her second birthday. Learn more about prenatal vitamins for pregnant women, a Power 4 nutrition intervention.

The Power 4: Breastfeeding Support

Babies get the best start at life when they drink nothing but breastmilk until they are 6 months old, and continue breastfeeding until they are 2 years old while also consuming other nutritious complementary foods. Learn more about breastfeeding, a Power 4 nutrition intervention.

2021 Breastfeeding Inspiration Guide

August 1st marks the beginning of National Breastfeeding Month and World Breastfeeding Week, celebrating the benefits of breastfeeding for families in the United States and around the world. All month long, 1,000 Days and its fellow advocates will be highlighting breastfeeding in different communities and how we can build a landscape of breastfeeding support.

Nutrition for Growth Year of Action Advocacy Toolkit

Good nutrition is a human right and is fundamental to health and well-being. To support the nutrition advocacy community to continue building momentum during this 2021 Nutrition Year of Action, please visit the Nutrition Year of Action Advocacy toolkit bringing together a bevy of priority messages, resources, and social graphics to amplify key asks from ICAN and SUN CSN colleagues. The toolkit aims to inspire collective action on global nutrition towards the Tokyo Summit and other key commitment-making moments this year, including the Pre-Summit of the UN Food Systems Summit in July and the Summit in September.

Rashna’s Journey: Power 4 nutrition interventions in the 1,000-day window

Imagine a world where the darkness of malnutrition is extinguished and strong, healthy children can continue towards a bright, waiting future. With an investment in nutrition, we can help make that happen.

There are four essential actions (breastfeeding support, prenatal vitamins, specialized foods for wasting treatment, Vitamin A supplementation) we can take now to prevent children from dying of severe malnutrition. These interventions span the course of the critical 1,000-day period between a woman’s pregnancy and a child’s second birthday, when there is a unique window of opportunity to build healthier and more prosperous futures for mothers and their babies.