Type: Video

Reaching Grandparent Caregivers with Healthy Beverage Messages for Kids

Every child deserves a strong start to life. In particular, infancy and toddlerhood provide an important opportunity to build long-lasting healthy habits, including a healthy beverage pattern. What children drink during the early years can help set them on a path for healthy growth and development.

In the United States today, multi-generational living is on the rise, and more grandparents are caring for their grandchildren. The purpose of this resource is to provide information and content for organizations that support older adults to inform and inspire them about small steps they can take to nourish the young kids in their lives.

Rashna’s Journey: Power 4 nutrition interventions in the 1,000-day window

Imagine a world where the darkness of malnutrition is extinguished and strong, healthy children can continue towards a bright, waiting future. With an investment in nutrition, we can help make that happen.

There are four essential actions (breastfeeding support, prenatal vitamins, specialized foods for wasting treatment, Vitamin A supplementation) we can take now to prevent children from dying of severe malnutrition. These interventions span the course of the critical 1,000-day period between a woman’s pregnancy and a child’s second birthday, when there is a unique window of opportunity to build healthier and more prosperous futures for mothers and their babies.

COVID-19 and Malnutrition Video

The coronavirus pandemic has ravaged the globe and disrupted food supplies, restricted—and in many cases, shut down–access to nutritious meals and health services for millions of children and pregnant or breastfeeding women. When we invest in nutrition, we CAN build resiliency, reduce disparities, and create conditions to ensure today’s children are nourished in ways that secures their health today, tomorrow and into the future.

Available in other in Spanish and French.

Management of At-risk Mothers and Infants under 6 months (MAMI): experiences from community programming

The vision for MAMI is that every infant under 6 months is nutritionally assessed and appropriately supported to survive and thrive, at every community and health-service contact.

In this short video Save the Children share experiences from the field of utilizing the MAMI Approach in Bangladesh and Ethiopia to save the lives of vulnerable infants who may otherwise be missed. To see the MAMI Tool for programming from Save the Children and GOAL, visit here.

MAMI can help save the lives of vulnerable infants.
But we need your help: To see them. To assess them. To provide support.
Contact: mami@savechildren.org for queries and further support.

This video was developed by Save the Children in collaboration with GOAL, with financial support from Eleanor Crook Foundation (ECF) and technical support from the MAMI Global Network.

Toddler Formula: What Do I Need To Know?

There’s a new product on the shelves that looks a lot like infant formula, but it’s for toddlers. Sometimes they are called “toddler formulas” or “toddler milks.” Confusing, right? Well, here’s what you need to know:

  • They are not needed for nutrition. While toddler formulas have some vitamins, they can have added sugars, which young kids definitely do not need.
  • They are not needed for development. These product claim to be good for “picky eaters,” but if kids are filling up on toddler formulas then they won’t learn how to eat well-balanced meals.
  • They are expensive. Up to 4 times more expensive than cow’s milk- yikes!

What’s a healthier alternative? A balanced diet made up of healthy drinks and a variety of healthy foods. And for “picky eaters” just remember, it can take more than 20 tries for a kid to like a new food. Try, try again!


Learn more at www.healthydrinkshealthykids.org.

Healthy drinks as kids grow

As kids grow, they need different drinks in different amounts to help keep them healthy. Here’s what you need to know:

  • 0-6 months: Babies need only breast milk or infant formula.
  • 6-12 months: In addition to breast milk or infant formula, offer a small amount of drinking water once solid foods are introduced to help babies get familiar with the taste – just a few sips at meal times is all it takes. It’s best for children under 1 not to drink juice. Even 100% fruit juice offers no nutritional benefits over whole fruit.
  • 12-24 months: It’s time to add whole milk, which has many essential nutrients, along with plain drinking water for hydration. A small amount of juice is ok, but make sure it’s 100% fruit juice to avoid added sugar. Better yet, serve small pieces of real fruit, which is even healthier.
  • 2-5 years: Milk and water are the go-to beverages. Look for milks with less fat than whole milk, like skim (non-fat) or low-fat (1%). If you choose to serve 100% fruit juice, stick to a small amount, and remember adding water can make a little go a long way!

Teaching kids to love healthy drinks now will have a lasting impact! Cheers!

Learn more at www.healthydrinkshealthykids.org.

5 tips for healthy kids drinks

Just because it is a “kid’s drink” does not mean that it is actually healthy for kids. Here are 5 protips for healthy drinks for healthy kids:

  1. Kick out beverages with added sugars. Even low calorie sweeteners aren’t recommended for young kids.
  2. Look for juices labeled as 100% juice. And remember, a little juice can go a long way by adding water.
  3. Knock out the caffeine. Don’t kids have enough energy anyway?
  4. Make water the go-to drink. Great to playtime, mealtime and anytime.
  5. Give the right milk for the right age. 0-1 years get breast milk or infant formula. 1-2 years get whole milk. 2+ years get low-fat (1%) or fat-free (skim) milk.


Learn more at www.healthydrinkshealthykids.org.

How to swap out sugary drinks

Many kids drinks have too much sugar and should be swiped out for a healthier option. Here are some tips:

  • Swap fruit-flavored drinks for 100% fruit juice or, even better, slices of fruit.
  • Instead of sports drinks use water for hydration.
  • Avoid flavored milks and stick with plain milk.
  • Steer clear of caffeinated or energy drinks … don’t kids have enough energy anyway?

When little ones have sugary drinks now, it can lead to big health and weight problems later. And when in doubt, check the nutrition label for any added sugar. If there’s sugar, swap it out!


Learn more at www.healthydrinkshealthykids.org.