May is Miracle Milk Month & YOU are the Miracle, Babe!

May is Miracle Milk Month, and we are standing alongside Best for Babes, KellyMom, ROSE, La Leche League USA, United States Breastfeeding Committee, and many other amazing partners to surround new parents with supportive messages and information about infant feeding.
Human milk saves lives in the NICU and every day. Yet, millions of parents are still being undermined by the Breastfeeding Booby Traps®: prevented from achieving their breastfeeding goals, from accessing donor milk if needed, from obtaining non-industry sponsored, evidence-based information on alternative feeding methods, and from getting the non-judgmental acceptance and support they deserve from health professionals, family, friends, and society.
It is imperative that parents get the support and information they need to do what’s best for their babies. We’ve heard from many parents in our community about just how vital and miraculous this support can be.
“My first was born at 32 weeks because we had preeclampsia. I was heartbroken; I felt like my body had failed us. During her NICU stay, I felt so helpless, so angry, and so frustrated that I couldn’t give her what she needed to grow strong and healthy to term. Everything had gone wrong. But just a couple hours after she was born a lactation consultant came to see us to show me how to pump. She was so encouraging and was so impressed with the amount of colostrum I had expressed! Something had gone right, and that something was producing milk. She received just the smallest bit of donor milk, and from then on had my breastmilk for the duration of her hospital stay. Once we got home we worked so hard with a lactation consultant to get her to latch directly to breast. It took so much time, and energy, and tears, and support. It was on her due date that she finally did it! It was such a blessing to be able to nurse her directly. She grew and thrived and is now a 2-year old and the best big sister. I am so proud of her, and so thankful that breastfeeding helped me trust my body again.” – Lauren D
Help us to better support more parents, like Lauren , by joining the Miracle Milk Month Campaign. Together, we can end the Breastfeeding Booby Traps ® by delivering essential, positive, encouraging, evidence-based information into the hands of as many new parents, providers, hospitals and the public as possible!
Raise your voice and celebrate with us for the love of moms and babies!