Building Off The Momentum of #March4Nutrition
“Our boys are adopted. When we got our first son I asked for maternity leave and was told I could take a couple of days off if I found someone to cover your shifts. I got a 1/2 day off when our second son came and I got zero days when our third son came. I was at work when he was five days old.” – Gabrielle
“I went to WIC in tears when our daughter was two weeks old. We were still having latch issues. The two sweetest women worked with me. Without their support, I truly believe I would have given up. Fifteen months later I am still breastfeeding my little one. I can’t thank them enough.” – Sandra
“My daughter was born three weeks early, developed severe jaundice and was too weak to feed normally. She spent two weeks at the children’s hospital. Insurance covered nearly all of the $90k hospital bill, including meeting with the people who helped get us back to breastfeeding.” – Stacy
These are just a few of the powerful voices that we heard during our online “march” last month in honor of National Nutrition Month.
Over a span of 31 days, more than 60 mothers, fathers and families shared their personal experiences in nourishing their little ones. Many of the stories we received made us smile while others made us cry – but they all shed light on important issues impacting the health of moms and babies in America and around the world.
These issues range from access to high-quality health insurance, comprehensive paid family leave and defending America’s foreign aid investments that cover the cost of proven, life-saving programs.
We’re excited to build off this momentum and continue to stand with the 1,000 Days community on behalf of women and children here in the United States and around the world.