Statement on the Reintroduction of the FAMILY Act

This afternoon, Representative DeLauro and Senator Gillibrand, along with nearly 200 of their Congressional colleagues, reintroduced the FAMILY Act – legislation that would provide comprehensive paid family and medical leave to all workers in the U.S. While just the first step, we applaud these policymakers for standing up for the health and economic security of America’s families.
Paid family leave is urgently needed in the United States, where far too often parents are forced to choose between taking unpaid leave to care for their infant or going back to work to maintain the income they need to support their family. Today, 1 in every 4 moms returns to work within just 2 weeks of giving birth, putting her health and that of her baby at risk.
There is a strong and growing body of evidence showing that paid leave contributes to healthier outcomes for women, children and their families. Yet the United States remains one of just two countries in the world without a national paid leave policy. Ultimately, young children and their families are paying the price for our country’s lack of action on paid leave.
The time is now for paid leave in America. We are encouraged to see the FAMILY Act introduced today, and we call on Congress to work swiftly to pass a comprehensive national paid family and medical leave policy.