Statement on House Introduction of the Global Malnutrition Prevention and Treatment Act

“The Global Malnutrition Prevention and Treatment Act is a critical step in addressing maternal and child malnutrition in priority countries, to ensure that children everywhere can have a healthy first 1,000 days. COVID-19 has only exacerbated the crisis of malnutrition, with recent research suggesting that an additional 13.6 million children suffering from wasting (low weight in comparison to height), 3.6 million more children stunted (low height in comparison to age), and an additional 283,000 child deaths. Building on decades of American leadership, these provisions will ensure that USAID has the tools necessary to implement evidence-based interventions, coordinate with international partners, and integrate nutrition priorities into existing, successful programs to advance a multisectoral strategy. The Nutrition Leadership Council, housed at USAID, would be tasked with reviewing the efficacy of existing programs, identifying opportunities for interagency and international cooperation, and reporting to Congress on progress made towards specific, measurable goals towards ending global malnutrition. 1,000 Days is grateful to House Foreign Affairs Committee Ranking Member Michael McCaul, Chairman Gregory Meeks, and Representatives Chrissy Houlahan and Young Kim for their continued leadership, and we look forward to working closely to build support for this important legislation.”
Solianna Meaza, Director of Policy and Advocacy, 1,000 Days, an initiative of FHI Solutions