Guest Post: Conquering Nutrition Myths in Myanmar – Access to Nutritious Foods #Marchis4Nutrition

In honor of National Nutrition Month in March, 1,000 Days is amplifying the critical role the world’s mothers play in nourishing the next generation through our annual online #Marchis4Nutrition campaign. Throughout the month, we will also be highlighting stories from our partners. Follow along and get involved on Twitter and Facebook with the hashtag #Marchis4Nutrition.
Save the Children believes every child deserves a future. They work in 120 countries around the world to give children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. Save the Children does whatever it takes for children – every day and in times of crisis – transforming their lives and the future we share.
Save the Children works in many communities with mothers such as Mya Cherry to provide robust health and nutrition programs that save children’s lives and ensure they grow up healthy.
This is Mya Cherry’s story from Shwe Pyi Thar, Myanmar.
When I became pregnant with my fifth child, I received nutrition knowledge training from Save the Children. I realized how to make children physically and mentally well developed during their first 1,000 days. Save the Children also provides cash transfers for pregnant women and for women with children under 2-years. It significantly solves the financial problem of our family.
Regarding the nutrition, I have changed some old myths. In the past, my elders told me not to have green vegetables and bananas during the pregnancy as it would make the babe stronger. Actually it was wrong. Now, after receiving the nutrition knowledge training, I try to eat everything I like.
When my elder babies reached 45 days, I fed them foods whether they wanted it or not. I thought that it would make them healthy. At night, they could not sleep but vomited because of the food. They also got sick very easily. Now, I can nurture very well to my youngest baby thanks to the nutrition training from Save the Children. I fed my youngest child only after 6 months. Her appetite is also very good. Her health is also good compared to her elders. My eldest son is suffering from malnutrition. He is much shorter and smaller compared to his age. Not to be like her brother, I am taking care of my youngest daughter according to the training instruction from Save the Children. I attended the nutrition and financial education training together with my husband. He understands and supports me well.
Even though my husband and I have only primary education, we have tried our best during the training. I have received these training when I had 6-month pregnancy. I had followed the pregnancy instructions since then. I delivered my elder babies with the midwife before. With my fifth pregnancy, I had changed. I had received the proper pregnancy care from the local hospital. Therefore, I had a smooth labor with my fifth baby.