1,000 Days & DC WIC Celebrate National Breastfeeding Month

August is National Breastfeeding Month, when 1,000 Days and our partners work to build awareness and support for the policy and practice changes that are needed to enable everyone to meet their breastfeeding goals.
This year, we are teaming up with the District of Columbia WIC State Agency (DC WIC) to highlight how the WIC peer counselor program supports breastfeeding parents.
Breastfeeding peer counselors provide support and counseling to WIC mothers. They are moms from the community who have breastfed their own babies, and as a part of the WIC team they serve as a role model for families, connect with and provide encouragement to moms, and help mothers manage common breastfeeding concerns.
In celebration of National Breastfeeding Month, peer counselors from DC WIC are participating in the #BreastfeedingIs campaign launched by 1,000 Days and the National WIC Association. They are sharing what breastfeeding means to them and why it is so important to support their clients along their breastfeeding journeys.
Follow along on social media to hear their stories: @1000Days (Twitter & Facebook) and @first1000days (Instagram) + @dcwic (Instagram)